Diamond Shapes

Beyond the 4 C’s.


Light refraction, reflection, dispersion, graining, filtering, ultraviolet light and treatments impacts a Natural Diamond’s TRUE Value …


Comparing prices and certificates is Not the way to compare Diamonds.  This is how so many people get caught out buying Low Grade Diamonds – and they don’t realise until it is too late.

Did you know Diamonds with the same grading can still LOOK very different?

 With over 29 years selecting and hand setting hundreds of thousands of Diamonds – knowing what to look for is the key.

– There is more to a Diamond than the 4 C’s.

Scott Anthony Designer Jeweller & Owner of Pure Envy

Diamond Shapes & Diamond videos

 Make sure you know where and how to buy Diamond rings in ADELAIDE. Never BUY Diamonds on Price ALONE. The certificates are a GUIDE only and without a clear understanding on how to read a certificate or how to read what is NOT on the certificate is critical. Get the RIGHT Information and not misled. DON’T GET SCAMMED like so many others. Get Honest Advice about diamond quality and diamond shapes and the 4 C’s and beyond.  Pure Envy Designer Jeellers and Diamond experts serving Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Alice Springs, Roxby Downs, Port Lincoln Tasmania. Featuring 30 years of experince in Round Brilliant Cut, Oval Radiant, Square Radiant Cut,  Emerald Cut, Marquise Cut, Pear Shape or Tear Shaped Cut, Princess Cut, Cushion Cut and Ascher (or Asscher) Cut Diamonds. White gold rings, Yellow Gold rings, Rose Gold rings & Platinum rings. All designed and Individually Custom made Pure Envy Jewellers.